

Trannimals logo and tagline idea.


BandAid Bear

Here's BandAid Bear. I made him for Joey for her surgery and trek to San Francisco.



For Jeffery d. Doodle to follow...



Here a two ad ideas I'm trying to get approved for Frugalities.com. I actually got to just make ads I wanted to (instead of having all these pre-conceived ideas from the peanut gallery). I'm still working on the logo too. Hopefully it won't all get f-ed up.

Any feedback?



Here is a logo that I just recently designed for a friend, of a friend, of a friend...for free :(

They better like it!



Here's another painting I did with the iPhone app Brushes. I call him Beauregard 'cause he reminds me of a yam.


Brushes 01

I downloaded the iPhone app Brushes today. It's a painting program that is super easy to use. This is my first attempt at something. It's a still life of my old Ikea clock up on the mantle.


Hello from Gordo

Since /d/ is calling for sketches here's one I did yesterday. I was having issues with my Nancy Drew background layout. I kept f-ing everything up. So to get my 'groove' back I started doodling this in Photoshop. I call him Gordo. He's some sort of giant fish-man.

Art Instructions Schools

So, i had this pop-up from Art Institute of Somewhere and the picture in the ad looked really bad.

For some reason it got me thinking about those old TV commercials for the "Art Instruction Schools" that had the old man asking, "do you have the talent?". Evidently, they could tell if you did by drawing either a turtle (Tippy) or a pirate (Blunderbeard......i think...i dunno...anyway).

Getting to the point....YumDaddy seems to be the Dan show lately....so...what about this?!?! :

If anyone is bored...or needs a distraction, you could post your impression of Tippy or....that pirate guy........or not.
Just tryin' to have a little fun here, folks.


The face of change

i love Jeff for posting the Obama paper thingee.


Good times

What a good day.


Thanks, MS Paint!

Obviously, i've had some practice. Keep at it, Ava.


Ava Bunny Rabbit

Here's Ava's first bunny that she named "Ava Bunny Rabbit." 
The teeth are my favorite part. I think I might need to make a Zoodle-B-Doodle of it.


More illustrator

Another unfinished illustrator piece. I need some textures.


Unfinished Halloween

I was going to make a Halloween card...But I never finished. I wanted to add more detail and textures. Oh well. Maybe next year.

I think I want to get away from illustrator illustrations...something about it is looking cheap and over done to me.



This is the lastest resin piece I finished before Christmas. It's 24x24. I need to figure out a better way to photograph it to show off how shiny the resin is without my reflection showing up in it.


Doodle Monster

I'll get this thing going!
This was sitting next to the computer.
It's a doodle of a monster I sorta like.

How cool!

Love the graphics. I wonder what my first post will be?