

Here's another painting I did with the iPhone app Brushes. I call him Beauregard 'cause he reminds me of a yam.


dameDonna said...

I love this: "I call him Beauregard 'cause he reminds me of a yam."

That made me giggle. Do you usually call your yams by name? :-D

jeffery d. said...

again...why isn't anyone making me some art. i'll display it in my house and show everyone. it's almost like a gallery. :)

Fisher said...

Beauregard is a variety of yam. Like a Russet potato for Fuji apple. Which got me thinking. I should do a whole series of monsters/creatures inspired by fruits and vegetables.

brian said...

You can start illustrating on the bus to Bellevue... make some money while you commute! I'm gonna get me this paint program for my iPhone, too...