
BandAid Bear

Here's BandAid Bear. I made him for Joey for her surgery and trek to San Francisco.


danielle said...

Cute!! I envy your ability to sew. If we ever have a creative night I want some sewing lessons.

Lisa said...


Fisher said...

He's adorable! You should make more of these types of stuffed animals.

dameDonna said...

I actually have - just haven't put up pics. :-) (however, first time using a button nose and plastic eyes)

Susan said...

Love it. I just saw that there was a new yum daddy post. Love the button nose. You need to sell this stuff.

brian said...

OMG. Why are none of us doing anything with our skills??? This blog is showcasing so much untapped talent. Or rather, people tapped out in the wrong ways with wasted talent. This is just about the cutest thing. You should start a whole line of tranny/op animals. Tranimals!! I swear, it'd be huge. Well, there's at least a target market for it.